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Keeping Golfers Safe
Drumpellier Golf Club are committed to making golf accessible for all within our community and, in association with Scottish Golf, developed Codes of Conduct for Junior players, Parents and Carers. Drumpellier Golf ask that all parties make themselves fully aware of the Codes of Conduct which details the standards of conduct and behaviour that we expect when engaging in our own junior events or those of other Clubs clubs.

Code of Conduct Declarations
Each season, all Junior Players, Parents and Carers will be required to read and accept their respective Code of Conduct prior to the approval of any player registration in our own events including any team matches that we play. We then ask if Parents and Carers can electronically complete the 'Drumpellier Golf Club Juniors Consent Form' which appears on the link to the right of QR Code which appears below. The information contained within each consent form will be securely retained by the Drumpellier Golf Club and will not be given to any third parties without the full approval of the parent/carer.

Speak up and Keep Our Golfers Safe
Drumpellier Golf Club will not tolerate any behaviour that has the potential to expose our young golfers, their families, coaches or volunteers to any form of inappropriate conduct. If you fell that the conduct of anyone associated with our events falls short of what we are trying to achieve, then please contact the Junior Convenor or General Manager (whichever is appropriate) in the first instance who shall provide you with information in how to confidentially report this behaviour.

Code of Conduct for Juniors

Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers

Please click on link below to access the Consent Form